Analyzing Data with HyDe

Below we provide details on the three main scripts that are used to analyze data with HyDe. The multithreaded versions of these scripts behave in the exact same way, but have an added --threads (-j) option to specify how many threads to use.

We will be using the data.txt and map.txt files in the test/ folder from the GitHub repo for HyDe. If you don’t have a clone of the repo, you can download the files using the following commands:

curl -O
curl -O


Recommended workflow:

When analyzing data with HyDe, we recomend the following workflow.

  1. Use the script to analyze all possible triples. This will produce two output files, one with all results and one with only significant results (see Note below on filtered results).
  2. Next, if you want to see if certain individuals are hybrids, run the script and use the filtered results file output from the previous step as the triples file.
  3. For the script, we recommend using it when you don’t have enough data (and therefore not enough power) to detect hybridization within a single individual. This will depend on how much hybridization has occurred, but it is typically difficult to detect hybridization with HyDe using less than 10,000 sites. Otherwise, we always recommend using the script.

Command Line Scripts

To run HyDe from the command line, we have provided a Python script ( that will test all triples in all directions (“full” analysis). It can also be used to test a predefined set of hypothesis tests using a triples file. The arguments for the script are passed using command line flags, all of which can be viewed by typing -h. Typing the name of the script with no arguments will print out a docstring with additional details.

# Run a full hybridization detection analysis -i data.txt -m map.txt -o out -n 16 -t 4 -s 50000

The results will be written to file with a prefix that can be supplied using the --prefix flag (<prefix>-out.txt; the default is ‘hyde’).


Filtered results:

We also write a file (<prefix>-out-filtered.txt) that filters the results from the hybridization detection analysis to only include significant results with sensible values of \(\gamma\) (\(0 < \gamma < 1\)). Some values of \(\gamma\) in the original results file may be nonsensical because they will be either negative or greater than 1. However, \(\gamma\) does not have any theoretical limits with regard to the hypothesis test in HyDe: it can range from \(-\infty\) to \(\infty\). The reason that these values occur and may give a significant p-value is because they are testing a hypothesis that involves a hybrid but in the wrong direction (i.e., a hybrid is tested as one of the parental species). Testing all possible directions that hybridization can occur for three taxa is typically what causes these types of results to happen.

Triples file required.

If you want to test for hybridization at the individual level within the populations that have significant levels of hybridization, you can use the filtered results file from an analysis with as the input triples file for the script. The options for are the same as for, and typing the name of the script without arguments will again print out a docstring with more details.

# Test all individuals for the hybrid populations specified
# in the file hyde-filtered-out.txt -i data.txt -m map.txt -tr hyde-out-filtered.txt -o out
                   -n 16 -t 4 -s 50000

The results of the individual level tests will be written to a file called <prefix>-ind.txt, where <prefix> can be set using the --prefix flag (default=’hyde’).

Triples file required.

The conducts bootstrap resampling of individuals within hybrid populations. The arguments are the same as the script with the addition of specifying the number of bootstrap replicates (--reps=<#reps>; default=100).

# Bootstrap resample individuals within hybrid populations
# specified in hyde-out-filtered.txt -i data.txt -m map.txt -tr hyde-out-filtered.txt -o out
                  -n 16 -t 4 -s 50000 --reps 200

The output file is named hyde-boot.txt, but again this can be changed using the --prefix argument. Bootstrap replicates for each triple are separated by a line with four pound symbols and a newline (“####\n”; match this pattern to split results).

Python Interface

Reading in Data

Reading data files (DNA sequences and taxon maps) into Python is done using the HydeData class. Making a new variable using the class requires passing six arguments to the constructor (in order): (1) the name of the data file, (2) the name of the map file, (3) the name of the outgroup taxon, (4) the number of individuals, (5) the number of taxa, and (6) the number of sites. Names should be provided in quotes. The code below will read in the data.txt and map.txt files for us to analyze.

# Import the phyde module. For simplicity, we always import it as `hd`
import phyde as hd

# Read in the data using the HydeData class
dat = hd.HydeData("data.txt", "map.txt", "out", 16, 4, 50000)

Conducting Individual Hypothesis Tests

With our data read in and stored using the variable dat, we can begin to run hypothesis tests using the methods provided in the HydeData class. The first of these is the test_triple() method, which will conduct a hypothesis test at the population level for a specified triple of taxa (remember, the outgroup has already been specified when we read in the data).

# Using the `dat` variable from the previous code section,
# we'll run a hypothesis test on the triple (sp1, sp2, sp3).

res = dat.test_triple("sp1", "sp2", "sp3")

res is a variable that stores the results of our hypothesis test. More specifically, it is a Python dictionary. To see what it contains we can type print res (or print(res) if you have imported the print_function from the __future__ module).

Using the same HydeData variable, we can test all of the individuals in the taxon “sp2” to see if they are all hybrids. We do this using the test_individuals() method.

# The code here should look very similar to the previous code block
# The only difference is that we are calling a different method

res_ind = dat.test_individuals("sp1", "sp2", "sp3")

res_ind stores the results of the hypothesis tests for each individual in population “sp2” (individuals “i5” through “i10”). Since the results for each test is a dictionary, the res_ind variable is a dictionary of dictionaries with the individual names as the keys and the results of the hypothesis test as the associated value. The code below shows a few examples of how to we can work with these dictionary results in Python.

# Look at results for individual i5 in res_ind

# To look at a specific value, say "Gamma", we need two keys: one for each nested level of the dictionaries

# To get all of the values of the test statistics ("Zscore"), we can use a dictionary comprehension
zscores = {k:v["Zscore"] for k,v in res_ind.items()}
print zscores

The final method of note implemented by the HydeData class is the bootstrap_triple() function, which will randomly resample individuals in the hybrid population and run hypothesis tests for each replicate. The number of bootstrap replicates to run is specified using the reps=# argument.

res_boot = dat.bootstrap_triple("sp1", "sp2", "sp3", reps=100)

res_boot stores the results of this analysis as set of nested dictionaries. The easiest way to see its structure is to print it using print(res_boot).

More detailed documentation on the HydeData class and other classes implemented in the phyde module can be found in the API Reference.